Best Camera for Car Photography 2024: 3 Top Picks

Best camera for car photography

Looking for the best camera for car photography? You’ve come to the right place!

With so many camera options, it’s easy to get lost and buy the wrong one, which is something you want to avoid.

Let’s dive right in!

My top picks

  1. Canon R8
  2. Sony A6400
  3. Canon R50

Canon R8

Canon R8 beste autofotografie camera

Sebas' take

Okay, the best camera for car photography in my opinion is the Canon R8.

It is a fairly affordable model and the specs are similar to professional cameras.

It also has a full-frame sensor, which is unique for a camera with this price.

If you are looking for a camera and you take car photography seriously, get this one!


  • 24 MP full-frame sensor
  • 4K60p video
  • 40fps burst mode
  • Deeplearning autofocus
  • Small & compact

Sony A6400

Sony A6400 beste camera voor autofotografie

Sebas' take

On to the second camera on this list, the Sony A6400. For a much lower price than the R8, you have this camera.

What this one excels in is the compactness, price and lenses.

It is just as expensive as the next camera, but has much more affordable lenses.

So if you are not a fan of Canon and you want an affordable camera? Then get the A6400.


  • 24 MP-sensor
  • 4K30p-video
  • Bust mode of 11 fps
  • Small & lightweight
  • Many affordable lenses

Canon R50

Canon R50 beste autofotografie camera

Sebas' take

And then the last camera, the Canon R50. With the same price tag as the Sony A6400, this is an equal option.

While the A6400 is good, it is also outdated. The R50 is a completely new camera with many options that you actually want to have.

Such as the AI ​​autofocus, where you can recognize cars and the 4K video function.

If the lenses are not a problem, take the Canon R50. Really a top thing.


  • 24 MP APS-C sensor
  • 4K30p video
  • 15fps burst mode
  • Deeplearning autofocus
  • Smallest RF-camera


Well, if all goes well, you now have a bit of an idea of ​​what you need to get, or at least what options you have.

Of course there is a lot more choice, but from my experience this is still a top 3.

All cameras are extremely popular, also among car photographers.

Good luck with your search and have fun!

Autofotografie bySebas

Who is Sebastiaan?

Hi! I am Sebastiaan, the writer of this blog. With years of experience as a professional photographer, I want to share my expertise with you. From recommending cameras and lenses to giving tips that make a world of difference, that is what I love to do most.